- March 1. 2024 Assistant Professor Tsunoji has been promoted to lecturer at Tottori University.
- December 21. 2024 An collaboration paper with Prof. Ogo at Kochi University is accepted in ChemCatChem.
- November 22. A paper about (benzene)Ru-Polyoxometalates done by Dr. Sugiarto was accepted in Inorg. Chem. This is a collaboration with Prof. Ohtani at Kyushu University.
- November 1. 2024 An article contributed by Prof. Sadakane is published in Petrotech.
- October 31. 2024 A collaboration work about 2D-to-1D structural transformation of layered titanate with Prof. Ide in NIMS is accepted in Small Methods.
- October 30. 2024 A collaboration work about photocatalytic degradation of organic dyes using Zn complex embedded porous material with Dr. Bandyopadhyay in IITRAM is accepted in Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
- September 25. 2024 A paper about High-Efficiency Silane Utilization in Amine-Modified Adsorbents for Direct Air Capture Through Interconnected Three-Dimensional Pores is accepted in Langmuir.
- September 12. 2024 Mr. Yamanishi's study abroad experience is presented in News Letter of Supra Ceramics.
- September 3. 2024 Assist. Prof. Minato's review paper summarizing the structures and synthetic strategies of molecules containing different types of metal ions is accepted in ChemPlusChem.
- August 29. 2024 A collaboration work about mechanochemical crystallization of metal-free perovskite solid solution with Prof. Tsunashima in Yamgaguchi University is accepted in Chem. Commun.
- August 27. 2024 A collaboration work about MOF-like gate-opening adsorption on layered silicate with Dr. Ide in NIMS is accepted in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
- August 6. 2024 A collaboration paper with Ikeda laboratory in Applied Program is accepted in ACS Appl. Mater. Interface.
- June 26. 2024 A collaboration work about ionic liquid loaded mesoporous silica for CO2 adsorption Dr. Bandyopadhyay in IITRAM is accepted in J. Ionic Liquid.
- June 24. 2024 Assist. Prof. Minato received the 32nd Excellent Paper Award in The Society of Biotechnology, Japan.
- June 24. 2024 Umakoshi's paper about solvated Ba2+ with square antiprismatic and cubic coordination geometries is accepted in Chem. Lett.
- June 19. 2024 A paper about synthesis of organic ligands-introduced lacunary polyoxometalates by Mr. Take is accepted in Chem. Lett.
- June 17. 2024 A collaboration work about Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 over titanium immobilized layered silicate HUS-7 with Prof. Kočí in Ostrave University is accepted in ChemSusChem.
- May 7. 2024 A paper about methylammonium molybdates is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
- May 7. 2024 A paper about Synthesis-structure-catalysis relations in CHA zeolites synthesized with tetraethylammonium cation and its application for selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia is accepted in ChemCatChem..
- March 25. 2024 A paper about reduce of the usage of silane coupling agent for the preparation of amine-grafted mesoporous silica CO2 adsorbent is accepted in J. Porous Mater.
- March 1. 2024 Our research topics about polyoxometalates is presented in News Letter of Supra Ceramics (MEXT JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Area (A) )
- March 1. 2024 A paper about new transition-metal containing polyoxometalates is accepted in Inorg. Chem. This is a collaboration with Prof. Mitsuhashi at Kanazawa Uni.
- January 5. 2024 A collaboration work about Single Atom Pd Catalyst for H2 Production from Formic Acid with Dr. Esmail and Dr. Ide in NIMS is accepted in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
- December 27. 2023 A collaboration work about ammodehydrogenation of ethane to acetonitrile over Ga-loaded H-FER zeolite catalysts with Prof. Toyao and Shimizu in Hokkaido University and Prof. Maeno in Kogakuin Universityis accepted in ACS Catal.
- December 1. 2023 A collaboration work about Alkylation of Toluene to Mono-benzylated Toluene over Micro-mesoporous Zeolite with Prof. Rajib Bandyopadhyayi in Pandit Deendayal Energy University is accepted in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.
- November 29. 2023 A collaboration work about phosphorus-modified CHA zeolite membranes with Prof. Araki in Kansaii Universityi is accepted in Mater. Lett.
- November 22. 2023 A collaboration work about proton conduction on the zeolite for the water electrolysis at natural condition with Prof. Tashiro and Prof. Satokawa in Seikei Universityi is accepted in ChemCatChem.
- October 31. 2023 A collaboration paper with Mitsubishi Co., Kanagawa uni., Northeast Normal uni., and Universite de Lille about H4PMo11NbO40 was accepted in Dalton Trans. Mr. Matono found isolation method, Mr. Umehara found solution stability, and Mr. Ueno found catalytic activity for Wacker-type oxidation.
- October 31. 2023 A collaboration results with Prof. Tarutani was published in J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.
- October 30. 2023 A collaboration work about synthesis of macroporous three-way catalyst with different pore structure and its CO oxidation ability with Mr. Le, Prof. Hirano, and Prof. Ogi is accepted in ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
- October 1. 2023 A collaboration work about Cyclo-addition of Carbon Dioxide to Epoxides using Hierarchical SAPO catalyst with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Mol. Catal.
- September 29. 2023 A collaboration work about Extraction of heavy metals from wastewater using amine-modified mesoporous silica with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
- September 19. 2023 Assistant Prof. Minato in our laboratory was selected as the 2023 Strategic Creative Research Promotion Project (PRESTO) researcher.
- September 6. 2023 Two collaboration papers with Prof. Zhang at Ningbo Uni. are published in Appl. Catal. A: Gen. and Adv. Mater. Technol.
- September 2. 2023 A collaboration work about synthesis of macroporous three-way catalyst using polystyrene latex template and its CO oxidation ability with Mr. Le, Prof. Hirano, and Prof. Ogi is accepted in ACS Appl. Nano Mater.
- August 25. 2023 A collaboration work about synthesis of cyclic carbonates from carbon dioxide over amine functionalized silicoaluminophosphates with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Hybrid Advanves
- July 30. 2023 A paper about Exploring the Framework of Small Pore Zeolites for application of exhoust gas purification (Passive NOx Adsorption) is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- June 24. 2023 A paper about amine-impregnated FAU zeolite for direct air capture (capturing CO2 from the air) with high capacity and low-regeneration temperature is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- June 2. 2023 A collaboration work about ionic liquid incroporated layered silicate HUS-7 for catalytic application of ring opening of oxiranes with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in J. Mater. Sci.
- May 30. 2023 A paper of Dr. Sugiarto about true structure of [H2P2W12O48]12-and its dimerization and trimerization is accepted in Chem. Euro. J.
- May 29. 2023 A collaboration work about amine-functionalized SAPO molecular sieves for the synthesis of cyclic carbonate via CO2 utilization with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in J. Porous Mater.
- May 20. 2023 A collaboration work about Ni4 complex anchored silica material for adsorption of organic pollutants with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res.
- April 4. 2023 A paper about Iridium-containing polyoxotungstates by Dr. Sugiarto and Mr. Shinogi is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
- April 3. 2023 Dr. Sugiarto becomes a specially appointed assistant professor.
- April 3. 2023 We have 6 new member.
- February 20. 2023 A collaboration work about Ni4 complex encapsulated zeolite catalyst with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Hybrid Advances
- January 30. 2023 A collaboration work about Synthesis of SOD-type SAPO-20 via Interzeolite Conversion of FAU-type SAPO-37 with Prof. Wakihara, Prof. Okubo, Prof. Sano, Ptof. Iyoki, Mr. Fujikawa, Dr. Takemoto in The Universityof Tokyo is accepted in J. Ceram. Soc. Jpn.
- January 20. 2023 A collaboration work about Zinc immobilized catalyst with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Mol. Catal.
- January 13. 2023 A collaboration paper of Ndaru, Sugiarto, and Shinogi with Prof. Sakaguchi, Prof. Higashiura, and Dr. Yamamoto at School of Medicine, Hiroshima Univ. and Prof. Kojima at Oosaka Univ. about methylammonium molybdate is accepted in Chem. Lett.
- January 11. 2023 A collaboration work about iron oxide (green rust) photocatalyst with Dr. Ide in NIMS is accepted in ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.
- December 7. 2022 A collaboration work about optimization of Pd thickness on the silicate catalyst with Dr. Ide in NIMS is accepted in Adv. Mater. Interfaces.
- December 1. 2022 A paper of Karen who visited our laboratory from Uni. Lille is accepted in Mol. Catal.
- November 22. 2022 Ms. Umakoshi received Poster Award from The 10th meeting of Chugoku-Shikoku branch at Hiroshima.
- November 11. 2022 A collaboration research with Mr. Haioka, Dr. Wihadi, Prof. Kojima at Oosaka Uni., Prof. Ueda at Kochi Uni., and Prof. Lopez at Uni. Rovira i Virgili about Mo-substituted Preyssler-type phosphotungstate is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
- October 8. 2022 A collaboration work about mesoporous silica CO2 adsorbent having molecular liquid with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in J. Mol. Liq.
- September 30. 2022 A collaboration work about Ni-cincorporated mesoporous silica photocatalyst with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Polyhedron
- September 15. 2022 We started Twitter, @Sadakane_Lab
- August 26. 2022 A collaboration paper with Dr. Zhang at Nimbo University about epsilon-Keggin-type polyoxometates is accepted in Inorg. Chem. Front.
- August 22. 2022 A chapter "Polyoxometalate Unit Assembling for Crystal Catalysts" is accepted in a Book "Crystalline Metal Oxide Catalysts".
- August 3. 2022 A manuscript about Ni-methylamine complex done by Dr. Sugiarto is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
- July 17. 2022 A collaboration work about amine and sulfonic anchored porous silica catalysts with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in ChemistrySelect
- July 17. 2022 A collaboration work about ionic-liquid incorporated mesoporous silica catalyst with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in J. Porous Mater.
- July 4. 2022 A research about polyoxovanadate of Ndaru, Sugiarto, and Shinogi together with Dr. Higashiura, Dr. Yamamoto, Prof. Sakaguchi in Graduate School of Biomedical and Helth Sciences at Hiroshima Uni. is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
- May 26. 2022 One of our research topics about watching virus is released in ASIA Research News.
- May 20. 2022 A collaboration work about Fe containing UV-shielding material with Dr. Ide in NIMS is accepted in Mater. Today Nao.
- May 17. 2022 A collaboration work with Dr. Zhang at Nimbo university about epsilon-Keggin-type polyoxometalas is accepted in Chem. Eur. J.
- May 10. 2022 A collaboration work about Zn complex immobilized mesoporous silica catalyst with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Mol. Catal.
- May 5. 2022 A paper about amine-impregnated mesoporous silica for low concentration (400ppm) CO2 adsorption collaborated with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- April 29. 2022 A collaboration work with Prof. Ooyama in Hiroshima University is accepted in New J. Chem.
- April 23. 2022 A manuscript about virus observation using Preyssler-type polyoxometalates in Sci. Rep. This work was collaboration work of Mr. Sahiro in our group and Prof. Nakai and Dr. Kawato in Graduate School of Biosphere Science at Hiroshima University
- April 12. 2022 A collaboration work about synthesis and catalytic application of Zn4 complex immobilized layered silicate HUS-7 with Dr. Bandyopadhyayin IITRAM is accepted in New J. Chem.
- April 8. 2022 A collaboration manuscript with Prof. Ishikawa and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa Univ. about polyoxometalate is accepted inJ. Am. Chem. Soc.
- March 30. 2022 A manuscript about synthesis, structural characterization, and multi-redox electrontransfer of pyridine-coordinating Ru4 oxo core sandwiched polyoxometalate is accepted in a 130 years special issue of Z. anorg. allgem. Chem.
- March 21. 2022 A collaboration work about synthesis of high-silica FAU zeolite under UV-light with Dr. Ferdov in University of Minho is accepted in Microporous. Mesoporous. Mater.
- Feb. 2. 2022 TEM images taken by Mr. Shinogi were used in a TV news.
- Dec. 1. 2021 A collaboration work with prof. Oda, Prof. Sawabe, Prof. Satuma, in Nagoya University is accepted in Catal. Sci. Technol.
- Nov 15. 2021 A collaboration work with prof. Shang in Hiroshima University is accepted in Chem. Sci.
- Nov 2. 2021 A collaboration work with Kyushu University and KEK is accepted in Commun. Biol.
- Oct 6. 2021 A collaboration work about synthesis of AFX/LEV intergrowth zeolite with Prof. Gies, Prof. Yokoi in Tokyo Institute of Technology and Prof. Kolb in Mainz University is accepted in Chem. Lett.
- Oct. 14. 2021 Prof. Tsunoji is certified as a Distinguished Researcher (DR) of Hiroshima University.
- Oct 6. 2021 A collaboration work about formation mechanism of AEI zeolite from various starting materials with Dr. Liu, Prof. Wakihara, Prof. Ohkubo, Dr. Sano, at The University Tokyo is accepted in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
- Aug. 24. 2021 A collaboration manuscript with Prof. Miyaoka, Prof. Shinzato, and Prof. Ichikawa at Hiroshima University, Prof. Murayama at Tokyo Metropolitan University, Prof. Isobe and Prof. Wang at Hokkaido University is accepted in ACS Omega.
- Aug. 20. 2021 A manuscript with Prof. Hussain at Dehli University in India and Prof. Nishihara in Basic Chemistry Program is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
- Aug 12. 2021 A collaboration work about NO adsorption/desorption on Pd2+ CHA zeolite with Prof. Toyaoi, Prof. Maeno, Prof. Shimizu at Hokkaido University is accepted in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
- Aug. 10. 2021 A manuscript of Mr. Ndaru about methylammonium tungstate is accepted in Z. anorg. allgem. Chem.
- July 29. 2021 A collaboration work with The University of Tokyo and University of Glasgow is accepted in J. Am. Chem. Soc.
- July 9. 2021 Prof. Nao Tsunoji received the BEST POSTER AWARD at the 8th Conference of the Federation of European Zeolite Associations (FEZA 2021 Virtual).
- May 29. 2021 A collaboration work with Dr. Zhang at Ningbo University is accepted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
- May 26. 2021 A collaboration work about partial oxidation of methane over Rh supported small pore zeolites with different framework structure with Prof. Moteki and Prof. Ogura at The University of Tokyo, and Prof. Yokoi at Tokyo Institute of Technology is accepted in Chem. Lett.
- May 19. 2021 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide and Fukata in NIMS, Prof. Tomita and Abe in Kyoto University, Prof Ohtani in Hokkaido University, Porf. Komaguchi in Hiroshima University is accepted in Appl. Catal. B
- May 6. 2021 A collaboration work about H3PW12O40 supported in polymergel with Mr. Zhu and Prof. Gotoh in Chemical Engineering Program is accepted in Materials Advances.
- April 25. 2021 A collaboration work about phosphorus-modified CHA zeolite catalyst for a methanol-to-olefin reaction with Prof. Yokoi and Dr. Osuga at Tokyo Institute of Technology was accepted in Appl. Catal. A
- April 22. 2021 A collaboration work about multiple templating strategy for AFX zeolite synthesis done by Mr. Tsuchiya, Prof. Kubota, Prog. Inagaki, Dr. Nakazawa (Yokohama National University), Prof. Yokoi and Dr. Nishitoba (Tokyo Institute of Technology) and Prof. Ogura and Dr. Ohnishi (The University of Tokyo) was accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- April 20. 2021 A rearch paper of Mr. Shitamatsu is selected as ACS Editors' Choice, and pressreleased from The University of Tokyo and Hiroshima University, > which is also presented in EurekAlert!>, Alpha Galileo>, Asia Research News>
- April 6. 2021 A collaboration work of Mr. Shitamatsu, Sugiarto, and Ms. Ooyama with John and Paul at Newcastle Uni., Prof. Kojima at Osaka Uni. is accepted in Z. anorg. allgem. Chem.
- April 2. 2021 A collaboration work with Dr. Kawato at National Research Institute of Aquaculture about Hirame Aquareovirus is accepted in Virology.
- March 30. 2021 A collaboration work with Prof. Uchida at the University of Tokyo about high-proton conductive material based on Polyoxometalate is accepted in ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.
- March 23. 2021 Graduation Day!
- March 4. 2021 A collaboration work with Dr. Doustkhah and Dr. Ide in NIMS is accepted in Chemosphere
- February 9. 2021 A collaboration work with Prof. Ooyama in Hiroshima University is accepted in New J. Chem.
- January 8. 2021 Collaboration paper with Mr. Zhu and Prof. Gotoh in Chemical Engineering Program is reported in MATEC Web of Conference
- January 1. 2021 We have a new faculty member, Dr. Takuo Minato, as an assistant professor.
- January 22. 2021 A collaboration work with Prof. Ogura in The University Tokyo, and Prof. Kubota in Yokohama National University, Prof. Yokoi in Tokyo Institute of Technology, Prof. Ehara in Institute for Molecular Science, and Prof. Shimizu in Hokkaido University is accepted in Catalysts
- December 31. 2020 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide in NIMS and prof. Yamauchi in The University of Queensland is accepted in Appl. Catal. B
- December 23. 2020 A collaboration work with prof. Bandyopadhyay in IITRAM is accepted in Mater. Today: Proc.
- November 30. 2020 An article about our EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core project, International Network on Polyoxometalate Science for Advanced Functional Energy Materials, is published in Impact.
- November 25. 2020 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide and Fukata in NIMS is accepted in Appl. Catal. B
- October 18. 2020 A collaboration work with Prof. Zhang at Nimbo University in China is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
- August 18. 2020 A paper about synthesis of phosphorus modified AFX zeolite using impregnated FAU zeolite done by Ms. Onishi and Prof. Tsunoji was accepted in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.
- August 17. 2020 A collaboration work with Mr. Kubota, Mr. Amada, Dr. Liu, Dr. Kon, prof. Toyao, prof. Maeno, and prof. Shimizu in Hokkaido University, and Dr. Ueda and Prof. Satsuma in Nagoya University is accepted in Catal. Today.
- August 7. 2020 A collaboration work with Prof. Miyaoka, Mr. Gi, Prof. Balgis, Prof. Ogi was accepted in ACS Omega.
- August 4. 2020 A paper about synthesis of phosphorus modified intergrowth zeolite done by Mr. Tsuchiya, Mr. Uemura, Ms. Onishi, and Dr. Sasaki (JFCC) was accepted inMicroporous Mesoporous Mater.
- July 13. 2020 A paper about thermal transformation of Preyssler-type compound done by Wihadi was accepted inZ. anorg. allgem. Chem.
- May 23. 2020 A collaboration work with Mr. Imagawa, Assist. Prof. Shang, Assoc. Prof. Nakamoto, Prof. Yamamoto, Assist. Prof. Adachi, and Prof. Ohshita at Hiroshima University is accepted in Chem. Lett. and selected as the Inside Cover.
- May 14. 2020 A paper about nanosized CHA zeolite synthesized by a conbination of FAU zeolite and Al source done by Mr. Tanigawa and Prof. Tsunoji is accepted in Dalton Trans and selected as the Back Cover
- Feb. 3. 2020 A collaboration work with Prof. Ueda at Kochi University is published in Dalton Trans.
- Jan. 24. 2020 A collaboration work with Dr. Liu, Dr. Kon, prof. Toyao, and prof. Shimizu in Hokkaido University, Dr. Ueda and Prof. Satsuma in Nagoya University, and prof. Ohyama in Kumamoto Univetsity is accepted in ChemCatChem.
- Dec. 24. 2019 A paper about Preyssler-Type Phosphotungstate with Sodium Cation in the Central Cavity done by Mr. Wihadi is accepted in Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn.
- Nov. 19. 2019 A paper about formation pathway of AEI zeolite done by Mr. Shimono, Mr. Tsuchiya, and Prof. Tsunoji is accepted in Chem. Mater. and selected as Supplementary Cover.
- Nov. 19. 2019 A collaboration work with prof. Ehara in IMS, Dr. Nishitoba and prof. Yokoi in Tokyo Institute of Technology and prof. Ogura in The University of Tokyo is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- Nov. 8. 2019 A collaboration work with Dr. Doustkhoh and Ide in NIMS is accepted in Mol. Catal.
- May. 13. 2019 A collaboration work with prof. Bandyopadhyay in IITRAM (India) is accepted in React. Kinet. Mech. Catal.
- May. 7. 2019 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide at NIMS is accepted in Chem. Sci. and selected as Back Cover.
- Feb. 22. 2019 A paper about GME zeolite synthesis done by Ms. Mitani is accepted in J. Porous. Mater.
- Feb. 21. 2019 A paper about phosphorus-modified zeolite done by Mr.Tanigawa and Kakiuchi is accepted in Apll. Catal. A.
- Feb. 7. 2019 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide at NIMS is accepted in Nano Energy.
- Nov. 2. 2018 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide at NIMS is accepted in Chem. Sci. and selected as Front cover.
- Oct. 18. 2018 A paper about zeolite synthesis using cyclic alkylammonium done by Mr. Tanigawa is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- Oct. 9. 2018 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide at NIMS is accepted in Chem. Sci.
- Sept. 29. 2018 A collaboration paper with Dr. Ferdov at University of Minho is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- Sept. 4. 2018 A paper about EMT zeolite synthesis done by Mr. Matsuda and Mr. Tsuchiya is accepted in Microporous Mesoporous Mater.
- Aug. 29 2018 A paper about Bi with 2 mono-lacunary phosphotugngstates done by Mr. Hayashi and Mr. Wihadi is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
- Aug. 23 2018 A collaboration paper of Prof. Sadakane with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa Uni. is accepted in Nature Commun.
- August 21. 2018 A collaboration paper about CO2 containing polyoxometalates with Prof. Hussain at Dehli Univ. is accepted in Acta Cryst. Section C.
July 29. 2018 A paper about stepwise gel preparation of zeolite synthesis done by Ms. Joichi, Mr. Shimono,and Prof. Tsunoji is accepted in Cryst. Growth Des.
July 8. 2018 A collaboration work with prof. Bandyopadhyay in IITRAM (India) is accepted in React. Kinet., Mech. Catal.
April 3 2018 A collaboration manuscript of Prof. Tsunoji with Prof. Cejka at J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry in Czech Republic is accepted in ChemCatChem.
March 30 2018 A paper about P-modified AFX zeolite done by Ms. Mitani is accepted in Microporous & Mesoporous Mater.
March 27 2018 A collaboration paper with Prof. Kojima at Tsukuba University is accepted in Green Chem.
Feb. 17 2018 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide at NIMS is accepted in J. Mater. Chem. A.
Feb. 13 2018 A collaboration work with Dr. Ide at NIMS is accepted in Chem. Commun. and selected as Back Cover.
Feb. 13. 2018 A paper about mono-K encapsulated Preyssler-type phosphotungstate done by Mr. Hayashi and Mr. Wihadi is accepted in ACS Omega.
Dec. 5. 2017, A paper about a gamma-Keggin-type silicotungstate found by Mr. Kikuchi is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
Oct. 25. 2017, A collaboration paper with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
Sep. 7. 2017 A collaboration work with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa university is accepted in Chem. Eur.-J.
August 17. 2017 A paper about thermally stable LEV zeolite done by Ms. Funase, Mr. Tanigawa, Mr. Yamasaki, and Prof. Tsunoji is accepted in J. Mater. Chem. A.
July 18. 2017 A collaboration paper with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University and Prof. Yoshikawa at Kwansei Gakuin University is accepted in ACS Appled Mater. & Inter.
June 10. 2017 A collaboration paper with Prof. Hussain at Dehli university is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
May 14. 2017 A paper of Prof. Tsunoji, Prof. Bandyopadhyay, Mr. Yagenji, and Mr. Nishida is accepted in Dalton Trans.
Apr. 25. 2017 A collaboration work of Prof. Sadakane with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University is accepted in New J. Chem.
Apr. 6. 2017 The site of Members was updated.
April 5, 2017 A paper about ZTS-1 and ZTS-2 zeolites done by Mr. Naraki is published online in Microporous & Mesoporous Mater.
March 16. 2017 A paper about CHA zeolite with various heterometals done by Ms. Takata is accepted in Microporous & Mesoporous Mater.
- March 15. 2017 A collaboration work of Prof. Sadakane with Dr. Ishikawa and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University is accepted in Chem. Mater.
- Feb. 15. 2017 A manuscript of Prof. Bandyopadhyay about transesterification of triacetin using mesoporous silica modified by aminopropyl moiety is accepted in Catal. Lett.
- Feb. 1. 2017 A collaboration work with Ms. Kato, Prof. Nishihara at Hiroshima university, Graduate School of Science is accepted in Chem. Lett.
Jan. 31. 2017 A paper about epsilon-Keggin-type Mo-Co oxide done by Mr. Igarashi, Mr. Haioka, and Mr. Iseki is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
Jan. 19. 2017 A collaboration work with Prof. Nabika at Yamagata university is accepted in Chem. Lett.
Dec. 7. 2016 A collaboration worki with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa university is accepted in Chem. Eur.-J.
Oct. 12. 2016 A paper about Preyssler-type phosphotungstate with two encapsulated K-cation found by Mr. Hayashi is accepted in Inorg. Chem.
Sept. 8. 2016 A collaboration work of Mr. Yagenji and Prof. Tsunoji with Dr. Ide at NIMS and Prof. Sugawara at Waseda University was accepted in J. Mater. Chem. A
Jul. 11. 2016 A collaboration work of Prof. Tsunoji with Organic Material Chemistry Ohshita laboratory was accepted in New J. Chem.
Jul. 16. 2016 A paper about conversion of methanol to light olefins done by Prof. Sano is accepted in Adv. Porous Mater.
Jul. 16. 2016 Tow paper about BEA zeolte done by Mr. Naraki is accepted in Adv. Porous Mater.
Jul. 16. 2016 A paper about AEI zeolite done by Ms. Funase, Ms. Takata, and Prof. Tsunoji, is accepted in Adv. Porous Mater
Jul. 15. 2016 A collaboration work of Prof. Sadakane with Prof. Hussain at Dehli University was accepted in Inorg. Chem.
Jul. 5. 2016 A collaboration work of Prof. Sadakane with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University was accepted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
May. 8. 2016 A collaboration work of Prof. Sadakane with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University is accepted in Faraday Discuss.
Apr. 4. 2016 The site of Members was updated.
March 23, 2016, Graduation Day! Mr. Yagenji received Excellent Student Award from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University. Ms. Funase received Excellent Student Award from Faculty of Applied Chemistry, Department of Engineering, Hiroshima University.
Feb. 17. 2016 A collaboration work of Prof. Tsunoji with Dr. Ide at NIMS was published in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.
Jan. 27. 2016 A manuscript about synthesis of CHA-type zeolite done by Ms. Takata and Prof. Tsunoji is accepted in Microporous & Mesoporous Mater.
Jan. 22. 2016 A collaboration work of Prof. Sadakane with Dr. Zhang and Prof. Ueda at Kanagawa University is accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
Jan. 5. 2016 A research result of Prof. Sadakane done with Prof. Ueda and Prof. Murayama at Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University was selected one of the most 6 excellent results of 2015 NanotechJapan.
Jan. 1. 2016 We have a new faculty member, Dr. Mahuya Bandyopadhyay, as an assistant professor.
Dec. 29. 2015 A collaboration paper with Prof. Nakai at Faculty of Applied Biological Science, Hiroshima university was published in Fish Pathology.
Nov. 30. 2015 Ms. Funase received an Excellent Poster Award at an annual meeting of Japan Chemical Society Chugoku-Sikoku branch.
Nov. 28. 2015 A collaboration manuscript about Ru-substituted polyoxotungstates done by Mr. Nishiki, Mr. Umehara, Mr. Kadota, Dr. Lopez, Dr. Poblet, Dr. Oliveira, Dr. Mbomekalle is accepted in Dalton Trans.
Nov. 10. 2015 A manuscript about P-containing AEI zeolite is accepted in Chem. Lett.
Nov. 3. 2015 Prof. Sadakane wrote a chapter in a book "Perovskites and related Mixed Oxides".
- Oct. 29. 2015 A manuscript about synthesis of P-containing zeolite done by Mr. Yamasaki and Prof. Tsunoji was accepted in Microporous and Mesoporous Mater.
- Oct 19. 2015, A manuscript about preparation of new microporous material done by Prof. Tsunoji and Mr. Yuki was accepted in ACS Appl.Mater. & Inter.
- Oct 8. 2015, A collaboration manuscript of Mr. Hayashi, Mr. Haioka, Mr. Takahashi, and Prof. Kortz’s group was accepted in Z. anorg. allgem. Chemie.
- Sep 25. 2015, Mr. Yagenji received poster award at the 4th Summer Seminar of Forum on Low-dimensional Photo-functional Materials.
- Sep 9. 2015, Prof. Sadakane wrote a chapter in a book "Trends in Polyoxometalates Research".
- July 2. 2015, Ms. Takata and Mr. Yamasaki received poster award at an international conference, ZMPC2015.
- June 25. 2015, A manuscript about highly active Ti-modified mesoporous silica done by Ms. Fukuda and Assitant Prof. Tsunoji was accepted in J. Mater. Chem. A.
- June 4. 2015, A collaboration paper of Prof. Sadakane with Prof. Ueda's group at Kanagawa University was accepted in Nature Commun.
- May 11. 2015, A manuscript about synthesis of thermally stable Ti-CHA zeolite and their NH3-SCR activity done by Mr. Kunitake was accepted in Miroporous Mesoporous Mater.
- April 8, 2015, A manuscript about a new Ru-Polyoxometalate compound found by Mr. Nishiki was accepted in Euro. J. Inorg. Chem.
- April 1, 2015, We have a new faculty member, Dr. Tsunoji, as an assistant professor.
- March 23, 2015, Graduation Day! Ms. Fukuda and Mr. Nishiki received Excellent Student Awards from the Department of Applied Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University. Mr. Uemahara received Excellent Student Award from Chugoku-Shikoku branch of The Chemical Society of Japan. Mr. Yamasaki received Excellent Student Award from Department of Engineering, Hiroshima University.
- March 20, 2015, Ms. Fukuda received Excellent Student Award from Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University
- March 18, 2015 Collaboration paper with Prof. Ueda's group at Catalysis Research Center, Hokkaido University was accepted in J. Phys. Chem. C.
- We made a new homepage.
- We have new members, 6 undergraduate students.
Sadakane-Minato-Sugiarto Laboratory, Applied Chemistry Program, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University
1-4-1 Kagamiyama Higashihiroshima, Hiroshima 739-8527